How To Make A Backpacking Poop Kit

Are you wondering how to make a backpacking poop kit for when uh… nature calls in the backcountry? 💩🌲🏕

I mean, think about it: no toilet, no toilet paper, no sink with hot water and soap?

What’s a wildling like you to do when number two becomes your number one priority?

Firstly, have your poop kit ready (supplies are listed below) and accessible in your pack (I like to keep mine in the “brain” so I know exactly where it is and I can grab it in a jiffy). Next, find a LNT-friendly spot.

If you’re unfamiliar with Leave No Trace principles, stop everything and learn about the Leave No Trace 7 Principles here so you can do your part to help protect wild spaces.

Okay, let’s get into how to make a backpacking poop kit for camping or hiking!

how to make a backpacking poop kit | 6 essentials for making a backpacking poop kit

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Trowels are your little shovel friends that help you dig a hole to poop in.

Be sure to look for a trowel that is small and lightweight.

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The Deuce of Spades Trowels are my favorite because they are incredibly lightweight (less than one ounce!) and come in all the colors. #ExpressYo’self.

This lightweight trowel comes in three sizes, all of which are under one ounce.

  • Small #1 – .45oz
  • Medium #2 – .60oz
  • Heavy Doody #3 – .97oz

Toilet Paper

Okay, the purpose of this one is self-explanatory, my friends. 😉

There are three different ways you can approach this:

Toilet Paper From Home

How to pack toilet paper for backpacking?

Grab some toilet paper from home and place it in a sealable baggie (trust me, you are not going to be a happy camper if you’re TP gets wet!)

How much toilet paper to bring?

Take a bit more than you think you need. It’s better to have too much than too little when it comes to toilet paper- so might as well be on the safe side, right? This video has some great tips:

YouTube video

Backpacking Toilet Paper Rolls

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  • Believe it or not, there are actual mini toilet paper rolls created specifically for hiking and backpacking.
  • Small, lightweight rolls of toilet paper that are adventure-ready.

Backpacking Toilet Paper Tablets Coins

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These are dehydrated hygiene tissues that you simply a bit of water (about a tablespoon) and voilà– you have yourself a wet wipe!

  • Lightweight.
  • Compact.
  • Hypoallergenic + preservative, fragrance, and odor free.
  • Comes with a waterproof case.
  • Large Bag are available for refills making these an eco-friendly choice.
  • Made of an eco-friendly, biodegradable plant cellulose (but you should still peck them out!)

Small Bag To Pack Out Toilet Paper

As lovers of the outdoors, it’s so important that we protect our wild spaces by adventuring in alignment with the Leave No Trace 7 Principles.

A major rule of Leave No Trace is “Pack It In, Pack It Out”, which includes our poopie paper.

Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be as gross as you may think.

Try using a bag that has a zip seal. Bonus points if it’s repurposed packaging that you can’t see through.

YouTube video

You can reuse bags from items like:

  • Trail mix
  • Kale Chips
  • Doggie Treats
  • Quinoa
  • You get the idea, basically any other baggie with graphics on it so you can’t see the contents inside.

Related: Dear Outdoor Adventurers, Please Pack Out Your Toilet Paper

Wag Bag

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What’s a Wag Bag and How Do I Use One?

Wag Bags are these nifty little bags that allow you to pack your waste out when digging a cat hole simply isn’t an option.

YouTube video

When Should I Use A Wag Bag?

Some areas where it’s better to pack out your waste includes:

  • Alpine
  • Big Walls
  • Canyons
  • High Traffic Trails
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
  • Snow

It’s always a good idea to keep a few of these with your adventure gear and one in your pack.

Be sure to check with the local rules and regulations to see what the proper pooping method is. Some areas require all users to use Wag Bags, for example, Mount Whitney.

Hand Sanitizer

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Don’t spread E. coli and other harmful bacteria! 🦠🤢

‘Nough said.

Use hand sanitizer to disinfect your hands in lieu of soap and water.

Related: DIY Homemade Hand Sanitizer Recipes

Backpacking Poop Kit Bag

Finally, now that you have all of your essential items and know how to make a backpacking poop kit, you’re ready to put it all together in a super sweet poop bag!

Look for something:

  • lightweight
  • small
  • has a zip closure
  • and, of course, second hand for eco-warrior queen points
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Related: How to Pee Outside: A Mostly Serious Guide for Women


To summarize, you’ll need 6 items when putting together your backpacking poop kit:

  1. Trowel
  2. Toilet Paper
  3. Small Bag to pack out toilet paper
  4. Wag Bag (may be optional, required in many alpine wilderness areas; read more below)
  5. Hand Sanitizer
  6. Backpacking Poop Kit Bag

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how to make a backpacking poop kit
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