DIY Non-Toxic Citrus Multi-Purpose Cleaner Recipe

Does anyone else get a creepy feeling when they see that cleaning aisle at the store?

Hundreds of toxic chemicals ready to be enthusiastically spread on all the surfaces of your home, contained in a single-use plastic bottle destined for the landfill…

Are you creeped out yet? Move over toxic, chemical juices! There’s a new cleaner in the house!

I like my products like I like my people: NON-TOXIC.

Zero waste cleaner

Why Make Your Own House Cleaner?

  • Non-toxic
  • No disposable plastic (woohoo!)
  • Ingredients are simple and most likely already in your kitchen
  • Only costs pennies to make

Why Put Citrus Peels In Your Cleaner?

Citrus is a great all-natural ingredient to have in your zero-waste cleaning arsenal.

Citrus peels used for all natural cleaning

Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and grapefruits contains a natural solvent called d-limonene that works wonders when it comes to cutting grease and washing away dirt. Not to mention the citrus smell is refreshing and can help neutralize the vinegar odor in this recipe.

Conventional House Cleaners:

  • come packaged in plastic.
  • are full of chemicals that are harmful for your health.
  • are full of chemicals that are harmful to the ocean & marine life.

No, thank you! Common chemicals found in commercial cleaners are no joke and can present nasty health risks with repeated exposure.

Toxic chemicals in household cleaners

Side Effects Of Short Term Exposure To Chemicals In Conventional Cleaners

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Respiratory Irritation
  • Skin Irritation

Side Effects Of Long Term Exposure To Chemicals In Conventional Cleaners

  • Asthma
  • Attention
  • Endocrine System
  • Hormones
  • Memory
  • Mood
  • Respiratory System
  • Thyroid
  • Vision Problems

Now, onto the recipe for the DIY Citrus House Cleaner!

Home made all natural non-toxic cleaners.

Multi-Purpose House Cleaner Ingredients

  • 1 part distilled white vinegar: cuts grease, disinfects, & deodorizes.
  • 1 part water
  • citrus peels like lemon, lime, orange, mandarin, or grapefruit
  • glass jar with a lid
  • glass spray bottle
  • sticker or tape to label your bottle + a marker
  • funnel

  1. Peel citrus fruit and place peels into a clean glass jar.
  2. After that, pour white vinegar into the jar until all of the peels are submerged.
  3. Place the lid on the jar.
  4. Let the peels soak at room temperature & do their thing for 1-2 weeks. Meanwhile, be sure it’s not sitting direct sunlight.
  5. Remove lid & pour the citrus smelling elixir into a glass spray bottle with the help of a funnel.
  6. Keep this solution as is for a super strong cleaner. Or you can dilute it with water, up to a 1:1 ratio depending on how potent you want your cleaner to be.
  7. This solution works wonders as an all purpose cleaner! But if you would like some added antibacterial, anti fungal, or antiviral magic, just add about 5-15 drops of the following essential oils (depending on how much of the citrus vinegar solution you made).
    • Optional: peppermint, tea tree oil, lemon, lavender, wild orange, cinnamon, thyme, eucalyptus, or pine.
  8. No essential oils, no problem! There’s a good chance you can find some of the following plants somewhere in your neighborhood. Bonus points if you are growing them at your home.
    • Optional: a few springs of rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender, sage, or cinnamon sticks.
  9. Finally, be sure to label your freshly concocted cleaner so you don’t mistake it for your DIY facial toner another cleaner.

Where Can I Use This Natural House Cleaner?

  • refrigerator
  • microwave
  • kitchen appliances
  • countertops (with the exception of marble or granite countertops)

Strapped On Time?

Try mixing 1 part distilled white vinegar with one part water for a quick and dirty homemade, toxin-free cleaner!

Still Have Some Commercial Cleaners?

Above all, the Zero Waste lifestyle is about not be wasteful.

So if you still have some commercial cleaners underneath your sink and you are curious how they rank on the health safety scale, check out this awesome, comprehensive guide from the Environmental Working Group.

They keep up-to-date reports on thousands of cleaning products that may be in your home. Thanks EWG. ๐Ÿคœ๐Ÿค›

Keep it natural. Keep it DIY.

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Cleaning spray recipe zero waste diy
Zero waste multi purpose cleaning spray
Zero waste cleaning spray recipe

Have you tried making this recipe? I’d love to hear what you added to this all purpose cleaner!

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