30 Zero Waste DIY Projects with Video Tutorials

30 Zero Waste DIY Projects with Video Tutorials

Going zero waste can seem overwhelming and nearly impossible in a culture where buying and throwing away a coffee cup every single day is so normal that nobody bats an eye or even questions the sensibility behind it.

Here are some step by step video tutorials on small changes you can try out in your life to make a big difference in the amount of waste you create.

DIY Non-Toxic Citrus Multi-Purpose  Cleaner Recipe

DIY Non-Toxic Citrus Multi-Purpose Cleaner Recipe

Common chemicals found in commercial cleaners are no joke and can present nasty health risks with repeated exposure. Citrus is a great all-natural ingredient to have in your zero-waste cleaning arsenal. Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and grapefruits contains a natural solvent called d-limonene that works wonders when it comes to cutting grease and washing away dirt. Not to mention the citrus smell is refreshing and can help neutralize the vinegar odor in this recipe.

The Climber’s Pact: The 13 Promises Every Awesome Climber Should Make

The Climber’s Pact: The 13 Promises Every Awesome Climber Should Make

Human influx on rock climbing areas have impacted the environment hard.

So much so that in some areas, climbing access has been completely denied by land managers not liking how their land has been treated and transformed over time as a popular climbing destination.

Access Fund has created The Climber’s Pact: 13 responsible and sensible commitments that climbers pledge to abide by in efforts to protect our climbing lands.

How to Embrace Leave No Trace Principles When You Travel

How to Embrace Leave No Trace Principles When You Travel

As outdoor lovers, sleeping bag slumber-ers, mountain addicts, and dirty girls that just want to play outside, we’re all familiar with embracing Leave No Trace Principles when we are out getting our wilderness fix. But what about when we travel? Let’s take a look at the Leave No Trace principles and explore how we can embrace them when traveling.