How to put up a backpacking tent by yourself: 8 easy steps

How To Put Up a Backpacking Tent By Yourself: 8 Easy Steps

Forget everything you’ve ever seen on instagram. So many pictures of tents set up by lakes, in meadows, and other ridiculous places are not promoting the protection of the outdoors and adventuring with Leave No Trace principles in mind.

Mastering your backcountry tent setup will help you feel better prepared and ready for whatever your adventure may throw your way.

Diverse and inclusive outdoor podcasts hosted by women that you should check out

Diverse and Inclusive Outdoor Podcasts Hosted by Women That You Should Check Out

The outdoors is for all of us regardless of our skin color, class, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, what our bodies looks like, or what they’re able to do.

Here are a few diverse and inclusive outdoor podcasts sharing a wide spectrum of outdoor narratives about connecting with the outdoors from a diverse community of women.

Women’s climbing events & courses every female climber should know about

Women’s Climbing Events & Courses Every Female Climber Should Know About

Are you wondering how to start climbing outside in a safe and smart way? Do you feel ready to take your climbing game to the next level? Perhaps you’re completely enamored with rock climbing and want to be a certified rock climbing instructor?

These climbing festivals, events, and courses are the perfect gatherings for you if you’re looking for female climbing partners, mentors, or an inclusive climbing community who you feel comfortable around and want to share your climbing stoke with.

However you’re looking to take your climbing pursuits to the next level, here are some rad women’s rock climbing events and programs created to help you do exactly that.

The climber’s pact: the 13 promises every awesome climber should make

The Climber’s Pact: The 13 Promises Every Awesome Climber Should Make

Human influx on rock climbing areas have impacted the environment hard.

So much so that in some areas, climbing access has been completely denied by land managers not liking how their land has been treated and transformed over time as a popular climbing destination.

Access Fund has created The Climber’s Pact: 13 responsible and sensible commitments that climbers pledge to abide by in efforts to protect our climbing lands.

22 rookie mistakes new backpackers make and how to avoid them

22 Rookie Mistakes New Backpackers Make and How To Avoid Them

I made more than my fair amount of mistakes (mostly terrible gear choices) that forced me to learn the hard, uncomfortable, and painful way.

Backpacking shouldn’t be synonymous with pain and suffering. Don’t make the same mistakes I did! Be prepared so you can feel comfortable, confident, and have a great time running wild in the wilderness!

How to embrace leave no trace principles when you travel

How to Embrace Leave No Trace Principles When You Travel

As outdoor lovers, sleeping bag slumber-ers, mountain addicts, and dirty girls that just want to play outside, we’re all familiar with embracing Leave No Trace Principles when we are out getting our wilderness fix. But what about when we travel? Let’s take a look at the Leave No Trace principles and explore how we can embrace them when traveling.